Cryptography Reference
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(iii) Induction step: Let ψ k = GenDisable(ψ,hB i ,B i 1 ,B i 2 ,···B i k−1 i,σ)
be the the revocation instruction containing the subset S j k as given in the
induction assumption. The pirate box B i k = CSBox j k is capable of decrypt-
ing ciphertexts distributed according to Encrypt(ek,·,ψ k ) with probability
greater than the threshold σ. The revocation algorithm of Figure 4.2 against
the pirate box B i k with respect to ψ k will output S j k as the subset con-
taining the traitor. The algorithm will then partition S j k into two equally-
sized subsets where one of it is S j k+1 . The decoder B i k will no more be able
to decrypt the encryption due to the partition in Revocation(ψ k ,B i k ,σ).
Hence, the final outcome partition that disables all boxes will satisfy fol-
lowing: S j k+1 ∈ GenDisable(ψ,hB i ,B i 1 ,B i 2 ,···B i k i,σ) as the statement of
induction step.
Using the claim we now conclude that
S j s ∈GenDisable(ψ,hB i ,B i 1 ,B i 2 ,···B i s−1 i,σ)
Given that S j = S j s we have that the box B v+1 will be able to decrypt such
revocation instructions.
Claim 2: We next claim that revoking all the other boxes in the sequence
of {B 1 ,···B v }\{B i ,B i 1 ,B i 2 ,···B i s−1 } will not hurt the capability of B v+1 to
decrypt. This would be the case as long as revoking those boxes will not result
in splitting the subset S j . The proof of claim follows easily by the fact that
revoking any of those boxes does not affect S j since each one corresponds to
a subset key disjoint from S j .
We conclude, as a consequence of the above,
S j s = S j ∈GenDisable(ψ,hB 1 ,B 2 ,···B v i,σ) = ψ 0
Recall that B i s = B v+1 = CSBox j , we finally obtain
Prob[B v+1 (Encrypt(ek,m,ψ 0 )) = m] ≥ σ
(2) Suppose that j is an encoding of root(S) that is a root of one of the
trees in the forest {Steiner(T,S) | S ∈ ψ}, i.e. it holds that S ∈ ψ. Because
all the Steiner trees are disjoint, with a similar argument as claim 2 before,
S ∈ GenDisable(ψ,hB 1 ,B 2 ,···B v i,σ) since S was never split while tracing
all previous boxes. From the definition of B v+1 , we can conclude
Prob[B v+1 (Encrypt(ek,m,ψ 0 )) = m] ≥ σ
where ψ 0 = GenDisable(ψ,hB 1 ,B 2 ,···B v i,σ).
We next study the classes of leaking incidents and the number of boxes
they produce. For the polynomial time adversary P described in Figure 5.3 ,
PE R,GenDisable
P,Leaking (t) is the number of nodes in the forest of the Steiner trees of
the traitors. Theorem 5.7 and Theorem 5.8 give some bounds on this quantity
for different leaking incidents.
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