Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 4.4. Depiction of tracing a traitor following a pirate rebroadcast it produces
while employing the Subset-Difference method for key assignment.
long as the adversary remains functional, i.e., the tracer-adversary pair is σ-
admissible, then the tracer will improve the current state of the system to a
revocation instruction that is more suitable for disabling the pirate decoder.
Given the above it is obvious that an adversary may choose to manipulate
the content distribution system so as to choose the longest chain over pos-
sible and force the tracer to use all its intermediate points till it reaches the
maximal element. This type of adversarial behavior relates to the concept of
pirate evolution that will be discussed in the next chapter.
4.5 Bibliographic Notes
Trace and revoke schemes conceptually are a combination of two cryptographic
primitives that have been originally suggested and studied independently: re-
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