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and Boneh and Franklin in [ 16 ] pointed out that the arguments behind the
traceability algorithm of [ 78 ] were problematic (in particular it was possible
for traitors to foil the the tracing algorithm). Boneh and Franklin presented
a different variant of ElGamal encryption and they provided the first prov-
ably robust traitor tracing procedure that could recover all traitors e ciently.
This tracing procedure was suitable for the non black-box setting where it
is assumed that the tracer has access to the internals of the pirate decoder.
For the black-box setting (where the tracing is done based solely on input-
output interaction with the pirate device), they also introduced a technique
called “black-box confirmation” that can only deal with a logarithmic number
of traitors. Subsequently in [ 68 ] it was shown that such public key systems
cannot e ciently support a black-box traitor tracing procedure for a super-
logarithmic number of traitors, thus showing that the black-box traitor trac-
ing procedure of confirmation presented in [ 16 ] was essentially tight for their
scheme for the black-box setting and could not be further improved. Later
Kurosawa and Yoshida [ 79 ] worked on black-box traitor tracing of the scheme
of [ 78 ]; they showed that the scheme also accepts black-box confirmation,
and thus any logarithmic number of traitors can be recovered as well in this
scheme (for black-box tracing). Extending these results, in [ 118 ] it was shown
that linear codes based schemes can support also revocation and in [ 119 ] a
relation between cover free families and ElGamal public-key traitor tracing
was explored.
An extended type of ElGamal encryption is introduced by Kiayias and
Yung in [ 71 ] that classifies the previous work in public key traitor tracing as
those of [ 78 ] and [ 16 ]. In this type of encryption which we term ExEG for
“extended ElGamal” the key of each user is a representation of an exponent.
Given that the key structure of the Kurosawa-Desmedt key space has the form
of a Generalized Reed-Solomon code that is e ciently decodable, it is shown in
[ 71 ] that the traceability of [ 78 ] can be extended to superlogarithmic coalitions
by calibrating the ciphertext size appropriately in the non black-box setting
(beyond what is possible in the black-box case). The notion of a traitor tracing
scheme with unbounded enrollment is also introduced in [ 71 ] to suggest that
group of users can grow indefinitely and that the system administrator need
not know at the start of the system's operation a (polynomial) upper bound
on the number of users as it is the case with the schemes in this chapter.
The decodability of Boneh-Franklin scheme we have provided in the proof
of Lemma 3.26 is based on the Berlekamp-Welch algorithm (patented in [ 11 ]).
An improvement on the e ciency of decoding is given in [ 61 ] by using the
Berlekamp-Massey algorithm instead. Using the list-decoding techniques of
Guruswami and Sudan [ 51 ] the size of the traitor coalition for which the
schemes based on extended ElGamal type encryption may resist can be in-
creased but at a high cost.
It should be noted that these schemes share a bound on the number of
the size of the traitor coalition. A notable construction is due to Boneh, Shai
and Waters [ 22 ] as the scheme is fully-collusion resistant against any num-
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