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f is the polynomial corresponding to the vector w, we will now provide an
e cient algorithm that on input ν it computes the polynomial f (and hence
the vector w).
Let g be a polynomial of degree at most `/2 such that g(i) = 0 for all
i = 1,...,n for which f(i) 6= ν i (where ν i is the i-th component of ν). Then
we know that for all i = 1,...,n we have f(i) · g(i) = g(i) ·ν i (in Z q ). The
polynomial fg has degree at most n − `/2 − 1. Hence, we get n equations
(for each i = 1,...,n) in n variables (the variables are the coe cients of the
polynomials fg and g; where the leading coe cient of g is 1.) Let h and g be
a solution where g is a non-zero polynomial: h is a polynomial of degree at
most n − `/2 − 1 and g is of degree at most `/2. We know that whenever
w i = ν i (i.e. at n−`/2 points i) we have h(i) = g(i)ν i = g(i)f(i). It follows
that f = h/g.
We are now ready to prove that ME BF ` is a non-black box traitor trac-
ing scheme, i.e., there exists a tracer that makes the corresponding tracing
game for `/2-coalitions winnable against any probabilistic polynomial time
adversary A.
Theorem 3.27. The Boneh-Franklin multiuser encryption scheme ME BF ` is
a non-black box traitor tracing scheme for 2 -coalitions with success probability
α against σ-pirate for any choice of σ,α that satisfies σ ≥ α.
Proof. We need to present a tracing party T that works for any adversary A
and allows the recovery of any traitor set S that is fed to A. Let u 1 ,...,u t
{1,...,N} be a set of rows S of B (that correspond to the keys of the traitors).
Based on Lemma 3.25 and the fact that A is polynomial-time we know that the
output of A on the keys of the traitors must be of the form η = P i=1 µ i δ u i ,
where µ 1 ,...,µ t ∈ Z q , assuming that t ≤ `−1.
By the definition of η it holds that there exists a vector ν = hν 1 ,...,ν n i
with ν u v = µ v for all v = 1,...,t and ν i = 0 for i 6∈ {u 1 ,...,u t }, with the
property hν 1 ,...,ν n i·B = η.
The tracing algorithm proceeds as follows: first it computes an arbitrary
vector ξ ∈ Z q that satisfies the system of equations ξ · B = η. Note that
such ξ can be found easily since ξ ·B = η is a system of ` equations with
n unknowns, n > `, and B contains a minor of size ` (due to the fact that
the matrix B is of full rank). It is easy to verify that the vector w = df ξ −ν
belongs to the linear code M: indeed, w·B = ξ ·B−ν ·B = η −η = 0. As
a result the vector ξ can be expressed as ξ = w + ν.
Provided that t ≤ 2 it holds that the Hamming weight of ν is less or equal
to `/2 and as a result ξ is a n-vector that differs in at most 2 positions from
the vector w that belongs in M. Due to the lemma 3.26 the linear code M
is e ciently decodable i.e., it holds that w can be recovered e ciently if we
feed ξ to the decoding procedure for M. The recovery of w, immediately will
result in the recovery of ν = ξ−w. The set S can be thus recovered e ciently
by observing the non-zero entries of ν.
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