Cryptography Reference
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|M| , Lemma 3.20 implies that the key
material k w j ,j belongs to the traitor coalition. Following lemma 3.18 , the
number of tracing queries for each symbol needs to be at least 75q 2 ·ln(8`/ε)
Recall that given σ j > 10qε p +
j −1/|M|) 2 to
succeed with probability 1−ε/`. Finally, the codeword p = hw 1 ,...,w ` i is in
the descendant set of the traitor coalition with probability at least 1−ε, and
it holds that Identify(tk,p) ∈ C with probability at least 1−ε f .
To give an upper bound on tracing overhead we consider the following:
P j∈[`] σ j = σ, we also have σ j ≥ `σ − ` + 1. Hence we obtain the
following upper bound:
` X
75(q + 1)q 2 · ln(8`/ε)
j −1/|M|) 2
`q 3 · ln(`/ε)
(`σ−` + 1−1/|M|) 2 )
= O(
This completes the proof of the theorem.
Traceability of Kiayias-Yung Scheme
We next consider the Kiayias-Yung scheme ME KY [ F ] where F = (CodeGen,
Identify) is a q-ary fingerprinting code that produces an (`,n,q) code. The
scheme is a binary multiuser encryption scheme, i.e., each receiver is capa-
ble of receiving a single message from the transmission of the input-vector
M = hm 0 ,m 1 i. Recall that the transmission, by using a symmetric encryp-
tion scheme ( E , D ), is of the following form:
E k 1 (r 1 ) E k 1 (r 2 ) ... E k 1 (m 0 1 P i6=l r i ) ... E k 1 (r ` )
E k 2 (r 1 ) E k 2 (r 2 ) ... E k 2 (m 0 2 P i6=l r i ) ... E k 2 (r ` )
E k q (r 1 ) E k q (r 2 ) ... E k q (m 0 q P i6=l r i ) ... E k q (r ` )
where r 1 ,...,r ` are drawn from the plaintext space, m 0 1 = ... = m 0 s =
m 1−b , m 0 s+1 = ... = m 0 q = m b , while (l,s) is sampled from the set
{1,...,`}×{0} randomly and b ←{0,1}. During tracing the transmissions will
be modified : in particular the tracer will variate s ∈{0,1,...,q}. Note that
this means that the ciphertexts will be potentially decrypted differently by
different users (but still this does not violate correctness in a binary scheme).
For the objectives of tracing we will further put forth the following notion.
Definition 3.23. For a q ∈ N and plaintext space M a q-ary plaintext distri-
bution M with limited crossover γ ∈ (0,1) over M q satisfies that for any A
and any i 0 ∈{1,...,q}, it holds that the probability A M ({m i } i6=i 0 ) = m i 0 is at
most γ, where hm 1 ,...,m q i is sampled from M.
We will assume that the plaintexts used follow a plaintext distribution
with limited crossover. This is a reasonable assumption that for example is
trivially satisfied by the distribution of cryptographic keys.
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