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the other hand it is relatively straightforward to see that p n 1
|M| (recall that
M denotes the plaintext space). Hence there must be at least one 0 < s ≤ n for
which|p s−1 −p s |≥ σ−1/|M n by the triangular inequality. Now if the parameters
have been chosen so that σ−1/|M|
> 10ε p , this can lead to the accusation of
the user possessing k s .
We will discuss this in the following basic lemma, which we will also refer
to it as the tracing lemma.
Lemma 3.18. For N,K ∈ N, consider a sequence of N+1 independent exper-
iments each one repeated K times. Let p i the probability of success of the i-th
experiment for i ∈{0,...,N} and ρ i ∈{0,...,K} the number of times the i-th
experiment succeeds. Then, with probability 1−ε, there is an s ∈{1,...,N} for
which it holds |ρ s −ρ s−1 |≥ 5 ·K(p 0 −p N )/N and the smallest such s satisfies
that |p s −p s−1 |≥ 5 ·(p 0 −p N )/N provided that K ≥ 75·N 2 ln(8/ε)(p 0 −p N ) −2 .
Proof. Note that the case p 0 ≤ p N is trivial thus we will only consider the
proof of the lemma for p 0 > p N .
Let µ i = K ·p i for i = 1,...,N, i.e., µ i is the expected number of suc-
cesses of the i-th experiment. We apply a two-tailed Chernoff bound due to
Equation 1.2 for any i = 0,...,N and for 0 < δ we have:
Prob[|ρ i −µ i |≥ δµ i ] ≤ 2e −µ i δ 2 /(2+δ)
Substituting δ = µ i
for some γ and µ i = K ·p i , we obtain:
Prob[|ρ i −µ i |≥ γ] ≤ 2e −γ 2 /(2µ i +γ)
≤ 2e −γ 2 /(2Kp i +γ)
≤ 2e −γ 2 /3K
where the last inequality follows from p i ≤ 1 and γ ≤ K. Substituting
γ = K(p 0 −p N )
to the inequality we obtain:
2e −γ 2 /3K = 2e K 2 (p 0 −p N ) 2
25N 2
≤ 2e 75N 2 ·ln(8/ε)
(p 0 −p N ) 2 · (p 0 −p N ) 2
75N 2
≤ 2e − ln(8/ε)
The above analysis shows that for any i ∈{0,1,...,N}, we have |ρ i −µ i |≤
γ with probability at least 1−ε/4.
Claim 1. consider any s ∈ {1,...,N} for which it holds that |ρ s −ρ s−1 | ≥
5 ·K(p 0 −p N )/N. We will prove that with probability at least 1−ε/2 it holds
that |p s−1 −p s |≥ (p 0 −p N )/5N.
By applying the triangular inequality for the equations |µ s−1 −ρ s−1 |≤ γ
and |µ s −ρ s |≤ γ, we have that it holds:
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