Cryptography Reference
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are uniformly random from Z q and the random variable D that equals to
hG,q,g,g a ,g b ,g ab i where a,b are uniformly random from Z q . A polynomial
time algorithm solves the DDH problem with advantage α if it can distinguish
D from R with probability at least 1/2 + α.
The DDH-Assumption with ε-insecurity with respect to Gen suggests that
any algorithm that solves the DDH problem with advantage α satisfies α ≤ ε.
Having defined the necessary computational assumption we prove the se-
curity of the Boneh-Franklin scheme.
Theorem 3.11. The Boneh-Franklin scheme BF ` is a public-key scheme
that is CPA ε-insecure in the sense of Definition 3.2 assuming the DDH-
Assumption with ε-insecurity holds with respect to Gen.
Proof. (of theorem 3.11 ) Let A be a CPA attacker in the sense of Defin-
ition 3.2 . we rewrite the original game Exp 0 = Exp BF `
(1 n ) explicitly in
Figure 3.3 .
Experiment Exp BF
A (1 n )
(tk,ek,sk 1 ,...,sk n ) ←KeyDist(1 n )
aux ←A(ek)
m 0 ,m 1 ←M
b ←{0,1}; c ← Transmit(ek,m 1 )
b 0 ←A(aux,ek,m b ,c)
return 1 if and only if b = b 0
Fig. 3.3. The CPA security game for the Boneh-Franklin scheme.
Experiment Exp 1 . This experiment is identical to Exp 0 , with a slight modi-
fication in its encryption on line 4. Let the experiment Exp 1 , be the one where
the transmission is computed as an encryption of a random message that is
neither m 0 nor m 1 . More specifically, the 4th line is replaced with:
c ← Transmit(ek,m R )
where m R is a random string of the same length as the message m 0 and
m 1 .
Let p 1 be the probability that the experiment Exp 1 returns 1 and similarly
let p 0 be the probability that the experiment Exp 0 returns 1. Observe that in
Exp 1 , the encryption is no longer associated to m 0 ,m 1 . Given that m 0 ,m 1
are identically distributed it follows that the adversary's view is independent
of b and therefore p 1 = 2 .
On the other hand, let us assume that the adversary A has advantage of
at least ε 0 in being successful on the original experiment Exp 0 , i.e. we obtain
p 0 2 + ε 0 .
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