Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
• KeyDist BF ` : On input 1 n , it uses Gen(1 k ) to produce a description of
a multiplicative group G a generator g ∈G of prime order q where q is a
k-bit prime. It also samples elements a 0 ,...,a ` ∈ Z q −{0} uniformly at
random. The tuple ha 0 ,...,a ` i constitutes the tracing key tk, whereas the
public-key contains the tuple
H = hh 0 = df g a 0 ,h 1 = df g a 1 ,...,h ` = df g a ` i
It, further, computes a code Γ = {γ 1 ,...,γ n } that contains n tuples of
q as follows: first it defines a (n−`) ×n matrix M so that the j-th row
of M equals h1,2 j−1 ,...,n j−1 i. Now let β 1 ,...,β ` be a basis of the right
kernel 1 of M. Denoting the basis matrix by B, γ j is defined as the j-th row
of the matrix B. i.e. γ j = hβ j ,...,β j i. We have the following equation:
β 1 β2 β 3 ... β `
1 2
2 2
3 2
... n 2
5 = 0
. . .
1 n−`−2 2 n−`−2 3 n−`−2 ... n n−`−2
1 n−`−1 2 n−`−1 3 n−`−1 ... n n−`−2
Hence, Γ contains n codewords of each length `, we note that using La-
grange interpolation we can directly construct the j-th codeword in Γ.
The secret key sk j is computed as a vector δ = b j · γ j with b j =
a 0 ( P i=1 a i γ i ) −1
for j = 1,...,n. The encryption key ek is set to the
pair hH,Γi
• Transmit BF ` : Given a message m ∈ hgi and the encryption key ek =
hH,Γi, the encryption of the message is calculated similarly to ElGamal
encryption as follows:
hh 0 ·m,h 1 ,...,h ` i
where r is sampled randomly from Z q −{0}. Standard variations such as
hH(h 0 ) ⊕m,h 1 ,...,h ` i where H is a k-bit long hash function and m ∈
{0,1} k are also possible (but will not be analyzed here).
• Receive BF ` : Having access to the public key ek = hH,Γi and given the
key material sk j that is the vector δ = b j ·γ j , on input a transmission of
the form:
hA 0 ,A 1 ,...,A ` i
it outputs the result of the following computation:
A 0 (A δ 1 ...A δ ` ) −1
1 Recall that the right kernel of a matrix B is the set {γ | B·γ = 0}.
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