Cryptography Reference
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Proof. Theorem 3.5 : First, note that the Boneh-Naor scheme is a unary
multiuser encryption scheme. Let htk,ek,sk 1 ,...,sk n i be distributed ac-
cording to KeyDist F which employs a q-ary fingerprinting code. We have
tk = (W,ik) ← CodeGen ` (1 n ), and ek = {k i,j } (i,j)∈[q]×[`] so that the pri-
vate key for any user-index u ∈ [n] is defined as sk u = hk w 1 ,1 ,k w 2 ,2 ,...,k w ` ,` i
where w u = hw 1 ,w 2 ,...,w ` i∈W.
We will now prove that for any m ∈M and any user-index u ∈ [n] it holds
Prob[Receive BN[ F ] (Transmit BN[ F ] (ek,m),sk u ) = m] = 1
Observe that the receive algorithm on input sk u = hk w 1 ,1 ,k w 2 ,2 ,...,k w ` ,` i
is capable of decrypting exactly one ciphertext; i.e. for each j = 1,...,`
there is a i ∈ {1,2,...,q} so that decryption of E k i,j (m) is available to that
particular user with index u, which implies the the correct calculation of the
plaintext m.
It is possible to define a variation of the Boneh-Naor scheme to support
an q-ary multiuser encryption scheme where the transmission of the message
vector M = hm 1 ,...,m q i will be computed as follows:
hl, E k 1,l (m 1 ), E k 2,l (m 2 ),..., E k q,l (m q )i
Another variant of the Boneh-Naor scheme can utilize stateful transmis-
sion, where a state σ ∈ States is an integer from the set {1,...,`} and is
updated as σ = (σ mod `) + 1 after each transmission. The state σ plays the
role of l in the transmission that is sampled randomly from the set {1,...,`}.
The proof of correctness and the proof of security (which we will see later
in this section) of these variants of the Boneh-Naor scheme is no essentially
different compared to the standard version.
The Kiayias-Yung Scheme
This scheme is an binary scheme that involves a q-ary fingerprinting code F
with a length `. It is similar to the Chor-Fiat-Naor scheme but as we will see
later its tracing operation applies to a much wider class of pirate decoders. As
before we will assume that the plaintext space is endowed with an additive
group structure, i.e., we will assume that there is a binary operation ⊕ that
allows the addition of plaintexts and satisfies the usual group properties, i.e.,
it is associative, there is a neutral element (zero) and any element has an
inverse with respect to addition within the group.
• Transmit KY [ F ] : Given a vector input M = hm 0 ,m 1 i and the encryption
key ek = {k i,j } (i,j)∈[q]×[`] , it first samples l ← {1,...,`}, b ← {0,1} and
sets the parameter s = 0 (this parameter is only used when tracing).
It, then, transmits the encryption of the message M with ek by using a
symmetric encryption scheme ( E , D ) as follows:
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