Biomedical Engineering Reference
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When d
0.5. Therefore, half of the cancer cells have a migration
length L m greater than that of the rigid spheres. By substituting d 0 ¼
d 0 , CDF
m and
s ¼
m into ( 2.5 ), it can be shown that for 18% of the cancer cells, the
migration length is more than double that of the rigid spheres.
2.7 Conclusion
In this chapter we introduce our recent study of inertial migration of cancer cells in
a microchannel [ 22 ]. The basic mechanism of inertial migration, fabrication of a
PDMS microchannel, and the cancer cell preparation are all described. The inertial
migration of both rigid spheres and cancer cells was convincingly observed in the
microchannel. The migration of cancer cells in a dilute suspension was not as strong
as that of rigid spheres, and the channel length required for cancer cell migration
was roughly double that for the rigid spheres. The low efficiency of cell migration
was attributable mainly to the size variation of the cancer cells. These results have
important implications for the design of a microfluidic device for separating
targeted cells from other cells.
Acknowledgments This study was supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) from
the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. We also acknowledge support from the 2007
Global COE Program “Global Nano-Biomedical Engineering Education and Research
Network Centre.”
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