Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 9
Confocal Micro-PIV/PTV Measurements
of the Blood Flow in Micro-channels
Rui Lima, Takuji Ishikawa, Yohsuke Imai, and Takami Yamaguchi
Abstract The development of optical experimental techniques has contributed to
obtaining explanations of the behaviour of blood flowing in micro-channels.
Although past results have been valuable, detailed studies on the flow properties
of in vitro blood in micro-channels have been limited by several technical factors
such as poor spatial resolution and difficulty in obtaining quantitative detailed
measurements at such small scales. In recent years, due to advances in computers,
optics, and digital image processing techniques, it has become possible to combine
both particle image velocimetry (PIV) and particle tracking velocimetry (PTV)
methods with confocal microscopes. As a result, this combination has greatly
increased the resolution of conventional micro-PIV/PTV systems and consequently
provided additional detailed description on the motion of blood cells not obtainable
by traditional methods. In this chapter the most relevant theoretical and technical
issues related to both conventional and confocal micro-PIV/PTV methods are
discussed. Additionally, the most recent studies on the blood flow behaviour in
micro-channels obtained by our confocal micro-PIV/PTV system are also
R. Lima ( * )
DTM, ESTiG/IPB, Braganca Polytechnic, C. Sta. Apolonia, Braganca 5301-857, Portugal
CEFT, FEUP, Porto University, R. Dr. Roberto Frias, Porto 4200-465, Portugal
T. Ishikawa • Y. Imai
School of Engineering, Tohoku University, 6-6-01 Aoba, Sendai, 980-8579, Japan
T. Yamaguchi
School of Biomedical Engineering, Tohoku University, 6-6-01 Aoba, Sendai 980-8579, Japan
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