Biomedical Engineering Reference
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the recent failure of a number of potential pain therapies in phase II [e.g.,
Radopril (RGH - 896)] in neuropathic pain [13] .
• New tools for the development of novel therapies in psychiatric disorders
(NEWMEDS) will validate blood and CSF markers as well as dynamic
physiological and structural measures suitable for both clinical and pre-
clinical clinical assessments to enable better progression and prediction
for new drugs for psychiatric disorders.
• In neurodegenerative disorders (PHARMACOG) this initiative will
develop better translatable animal and human volunteer models for
increased predictivity of translation of effi cacy in these models for new
therapies in patients with Alzheimer's disease.
• Understanding severe asthma (U - BIOPRED) aims to create a large
longitudinal patient cohort enabling validation of novel biomarkers and
development of diagnostic criteria for mechanistic and therapeutic trials.
• A COPD patient - recorded outcomes project (PROACTIVE) will develop
a comprehensive framework for better understanding of patients' physi-
cal activity in COPD in dimensions considered relevant by the patients
and leading to developing strategies for measuring clinical trials
Education and Training Programs
• The European Medicines Research Training Network (EMTRAIN) aims
to develop a European biopharmaceutical research training platform to
provide a sustainable academia-industry cross-disciplinary approach to
effi cient organization of training courses on emerging science and tech-
nologies across Europe.
• The safety sciences for medicines training program (SAFESCIMET) will
produce a training program that will integrate all safety-relevant disci-
plines linking animal and human/patient safety data, thereby facilitating
a more holistic evaluation of new medicines.
• The pharmaceutical medicine training program (PHARMTRAIN) will
establish a network of academic centers that delivers postgraduate train-
ing programs in pharmaceutical medicine, including quality management
of the processes and outcomes.
• The pharmacovigilance training program (EU2P) will develop a pan -
European training and education network platform in pharmacovigi-
lance and pharmacoepidemiology to train professionals for the
pharmaceutical industry, regulatory authorities, and health care organiza-
tions. The long-term objective is to improve the understanding and effec-
tiveness of risk communication.
As can be seen from the above, the scope and range of topics are extremely
large. The second call research priorities were announced in 2009 and focused
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