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a surrogate family, and thus the workplace carries with it an additional desire
for fellowship . Having a powerful set of common values, a sense of purpose,
and a unique frame of reference to view the world generates a dedication and
energy that are diffi cult to defeat. Friendship A great friend is always there for me . . . always happy
to see me . . . listens to me . . . is loyal, faithful, protective . . . never carries a
grudge or the baggage of unfulfi lled expectations. When we build trust at the
level of friendship, we embrace all the prior levels of trust but add some very
energizing and vitality - creating forces.
In a friendship, trust enables our goals and addresses our fears, our deepest
yearnings, and our personal limits/failures to be put out in the open with no
sense of diminishment. The power of friendship lies not just in the bond of
familiarity but also in the mutual commitment to each other' s well - being. Partnership A partnership is much more than a friendship; it is an
alliance designed to respect and cherish the differentials in thinking and capa-
bilities between two or more people or organizations. It is the synergy between
differing strengths and the alignment of common purpose that make a partner-
ship most alluring. Great partnerships rely also on complementary compe-
tence and skills, character and integrity, and collaborative behavior. Creationship For this level of trust a new word is needed: A “cre-
ationship” implies that we can do something extraordinary—we can co-create.
It is at this level that the very best scientifi c work is done. You do not have to
look too far to fi nd wonderful examples of this level of experience (e.g.,
Watson and Crick, the Wright Brothers, the Manhattan Project team, or the
Human Genome teams). A creationship embraces prior elements of trust
building, and then, secure in the absence of fear, unleashes a connection
between the hearts and minds of the co-creators—new ideas generate like
spontaneous combustion.
Building a creationship is extremely rewarding. It can happen between two
people or within a research team or in a collaborative alliance. When people
engage in a creationship, they seem to abound with an endless source of regen-
erative energy.
Trust is the most vital thread in the fabric of collaboration. And it is not
unusual to fi nd that trust gives work a far deeper sense of meaning and
purpose. We neglect the issue of trust at our own peril.
The basis of scientifi c research is to uncover new insights into the functioning
of systems, natural or physical. Inquiry—posing questions—is the essential
beginning point of discovery. Scientifi c research uses a framework of “critical”
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