Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 12.3 A new term proposal example showing the different fi elds of the pro-
posal. The fi elds are defi ned as properties attached to the new term proposal class in
offers a fl exible and extensible mechanism for defi ning structured notes that
allow users to defi ne their own note types, which fi t the specifi c needs of their
project. Adding a new note type is as easy as adding a new subclass of the
Annotation class in the ChAO, and defi ning the properties of the new class
(the user guide for adding a new note type is available here: http://
note_type). There is no need to recompile the code or even to restart the
application. Collaborative Protégé will automatically pick up the new note
type and display it as one of the note-type choices in the user interface. Users
may attach notes (Fig. 12.4) to any entity in an ontology, such as classes, prop-
erties, or individuals. It is also possible to add notes directly at the ontology
level. Discussions that pertain to the entire ontology (e.g., naming conventions,
modeling patterns) are usually attached at the ontology level rather than at
the entity level. The ontology-level notes are displayed in the Ontology notes
tab, seen in Figure 12.1.
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