Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information Kauffman Foundation—iBridge Network The iBridge Network is
a Web-based mechanism for the dissemination of innovations such as research
results and reports, computer software and other copyrighted works, biological
research materials, and patented inventions. It is implemented as a database
with Web interfaces and electronic commerce capabilities. Providers are pre-
dominantly universities and their individual researchers, although federal
laboratories and for - profi t organizations were also encouraged to contribute.
Intended adopters are other researchers and entrepreneurial individuals,
groups, and organizations [23].
The model underlying the iBridge Network is that aggregating research
results and inventions from multiple institutions and establishing simple ways
to search and transact will increase the fl ow of innovation to entrepreneurial
actors for further development, application, and delivery to society. In opera-
tion, researchers and their institutions post descriptions of their results and
inventions on the iBridge Network site and set terms of transfer. Prospective
adopters search for and review nonconfi dential summaries of available inno-
vations, agree to terms of transfer, and download an item directly from the site
(in the case of electronic media such as software, data, or reports) or arrange
for delivery from the provider (in the case of biological research materials or
other tangibles). At the option of the provider, innovations may be acquired
without special terms or may require acceptance of an electronic license and
may be without charge or fee based. Any provider charges are payable by
e-commerce mechanisms, but the Network itself is a nonprofi t enterprise.
The iBridge Network goes beyond earlier experiments in expediting tech-
nology transfer in several ways:
￿ Greater emphasis on one - to - many transfers (nonexclusive licenses)
￿ Aggregation of innovations from multiple research institutions
￿ Permission and functionality for transactions directly between an innova-
tion provider and the network and directly between the network and an
adopter (disintermediation)
￿ Options for fee - based and electronic license - based transactions
￿ Design principles and functionality determined by input from traditional
university technology transfer offi ces.
￿ Management as a not for profi t
The iBridge Network's website,, facilitates linkages
between universities, industry, and entrepreneurs. On the website, users browse
research or use the search tools to quickly and accurately fi nd research related
to specifi c topics. Tools include bookmarking, note taking, tagging, and smart
searches. Users contact universities directly about the assets or, if the
e-commerce function is available, they can purchase and license the product
right from the site. Existing university online metrics and data systems can be
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