Biomedical Engineering Reference
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2. Hruby VJ . Organic chemistry and biology: Chemical biology through the eyes of
collaboration. J Org Chem 2009 ; 74 : 9245 - 9264 .
3. Hruby VJ . Design of peptide and peptidomimetic ligands with novel pharmacologi-
cal activity profi les. Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol 2011 , in press.
4. Hruby VJ , Al - Obeidi F , Kazmierski WM . Emerging approaches in the molecular
design of receptor selective peptide ligands: Conformational, topographical and
dynamic considerations. Biochem J 1990 ; 268 : 249 - 262 .
5. Hruby VJ , Li G , Haskell - Luevano C , Shenderovich MD . Design of peptides, proteins,
and peptidomimetics in chi space. Biopolym (Peptide Sci) 1997 ; 43 : 219 - 266 .
6. Johnson DG , Goebel CU , Hruby VJ , Bregman MD , Trivedi DB . Decrease in hyper-
glycemia of diabetic rats by a glucagon receptor antagonist. Science 1982 ; 215 :
1115 - 1116 .
7. Wakelam MJO , Murphy GJ , Hruby VJ , Houslay MD . Activation of two signal -
transduction systems in hepatocytes by glucagon. Nature 1986 ; 323 : 68 - 71 .
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