Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Table 4 Diversity parameters for three different locations at 0.34 λ 0 spacing between diversity branch receiver (Rx) in an indoor environment
Link Chest-waist Head-waist Wrist-waist Ankle-waist Back-waist
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
MRC 2.79 2.98 1.95 4.76 5.02 4.32 3.35 2.98 2.14 3.38 4.02 4.01 4.85 6.97 6.37
EGC 2.17 2.45 1.15 3.28 4.43 3.14 3.02 2.09 2.01 3.12 2.79 2.77 4.22 5.76 5.44
SC 1.11 1.38 0.98 1.76 4.19 3.04 1.42 0.92 1.19 2.12 2.11 2.50 3.02 4.11 3.87
ρ e 0.670 0.686 0.661 0.678 0.645 0.637 0.702 0.697 0.678 3.698 0.637 0.636 0.670 0.618 0.685
r 1 31.74 31 28.71 34.32 27.55 36.41 43.61 32.00 38.35 36.21 35.23 31.98 48.82 47.23 47.67
r 2 35.10 33.14 26.21 32.83 26.43 32.58 41.99 35.08 40.67 39.12 30.20 28.96 48.34 46.60 48.35
I 3.36 2.13 2.50 3.34 1.11 3.83 1.17 3.08 3.02 2.91 4.95 3.02 0.48 0.63 0.78
All units are in dB except ρ e , r 1 and r 2 , which are mean powers and I is the power imbalance EGC equal-gain combining, L location number, MRC maximum-ratio
combining, SC selection combining
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