Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
- IssueSetup( 1 κ )
does as follows:
(a) generates ( pk I ,sk I )
ISetup (1 κ );
(b) publishes pk I
as the system-wide parameters.
The credential issuer generates the parameters for the credential signature
scheme, and makes his public key pk I
as the system-wide parameters.
- DB-Initialization :
(a) generates ( pk DB ,sk DB )
Setup (1 k ,pk I );
(b) computes C j Encrypt ( pk DB ,m j j ), j =1 ,...,N ;
(c) computes (
Commit ( H ( C 1 ,...,C N ));
(d) publishes ( pk DB ,
) to all users, and simultaneously executes a proof
of knowledge
Setup (1 k ,pk I )
PoK 1 {
( sk DB ):( pk DB ,sk DB )
The server
first generates the parameters for the blind ABE scheme. Then
he encrypts each message in the database by running Encrypt ( pk DB ,m j j )
to C j and commits to the ciphertexts ( C 1 ,...,C N ) by using the commit-
ment scheme. Finally he publishes the commitment and public key pk DB to
all users, and simultaneously conducts a proof of knowledge of sk DB .More-
over, this proof will enable to decrypt the messages of the database in the
security proof.
- ObtainCred( Ω, sk I ; ω i ,id i )
U i : authenticates his identity and attributes ( ω i ,id )to
(a) for each attribute a j
ω i , computes cred i a j IssueCred ( sk I , ( id i ,a j ));
(b) sends cred ω i =
cred i a j } a j ∈ω i
U i ;
U i : verifies each credential by running VerifyCred ( pk I , ( id i ,a j ) ,cred i a j )
For each attribute a j
ω i , the issuer runs IssueCred ( sk I , ( id i ,a j )) to output
cred i a j
as the credential of a j for
U i . Alternatively, the issuer can issue the cre-
dentials for
a j } a j ∈ω i ))
algorithm. By linking each attribute a j with the user's identity id i in the creden-
tial, the protocol can be resistant against multiple users' collusion attacks. Since
in the Transfer phase below, when each user requests messages, he must make a
proof that the credentials for the requested attributes are valid and linked with
one identity. So if two or more users collude by pooling their credentials, due to
the soundness of knowledge proof they cannot conduct such a knowledge proof
which can convince the server that the credentials are linked with one identity.
Note that id i only appears in the user's credentials, and is not involved in the
blind ABE scheme as a new attribute.
U i 's all attributes at once by running IssueCred ( sk I , ( id i ,
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