Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
In [20], the IND-sID-CPA security of blind IBE was defined. Similarly, we give
the security definitions for blind ABE as follows.
Definition 4. (Secure Blind ABE) A blind ABE Π =( Setup , BlindKeyGen , En-
crypt , Decrypt ) is called IND-sAtt-CPA-secure (resp. IND-Att-CPA) if and only
if: (1) the CP-ABE Π =( Setup , KeyGen , Encrypt , Decrypt )isIND-sAtt-CPAse-
cure (resp. IND-Att-CPA), and (2) BlindKeyGen is leak free and selective-failure
Next, we will give the definition of IND-sAtt-CPA security for CP-ABE, and
leak freeness and selective-failure blindness for BlindKeyGen protocol.
Definition 5. (Selective-Attribute Secure CP-ABE (IND-sAtt-CPA))[15] An
CP-ABE Π =( Setup , KeyGen , Encrypt , Decrypt )iscalledIND-sAtt-CPA-secure
if every PPT adversary
has only an advantage negligible in κ (which is a se-
curity parameter) for the following game carried out between the adversary
and a challenger
chooses a target access tree τ and gives it to
- Initialization A
runs Setup (1 κ ) algorithm to obtain ( pk, sk ) , and give pk to
- Setup C
- Phase 1 A
may query private keys for attribute sets ω 1 ,...,ω q l ,whereeach
attribute set ω i does not satisfy τ .
- Challenge A
outputs two messages m 0 ,m 1 , where the length of them is the
Selects a random bit b and encrypts m b to τ . The resulting cipher-
text c is given to
- Phase 2 A
may continue to query private keys for attribute sets ω q l +1 ,...,ω q
as in Phase 1 .
- Guess A
outputs b ∈{
0 , 1
Pr [ b = b ]
We define
's advantage in the above game as
A secure BlindKeyGen protocol should satisfy two properties:
- Leak-freeness A possibly cheating user cannot learn anything by executing
the BlindKeyGen protocol with an honest
except for the necessarily
known knowledge.
- Selective-failure blindness
cannot learn anything
about the user's attributes during the BlindKeyGen protocol. Moreover, the
A possibly cheating
cannot cause the BlindKeyGen protocol to fail selectively depending on
the user's attributes.
The formal definitions for leak-freeness and selective-failure blindness of Blind-
KeyGen protocol associated with an ABE scheme are described in Appendix
4.2 The Generic Construction for CAC-OT
In this part, a generic construction for CAC-OT from a blind ABE and a cre-
dential signature scheme will be presented and it is proved to be secure in the
standard model.
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