Cryptography Reference
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By simplification, we consider that the polynomial Q is quasi-random. However,
to obtain a quasi-random polynomial, we would have to add Q to a quasi-random
polynomial of IK 2 k− 2 [ X ] whose constant term is zero. The resulting polynomial
would be quasi-random (see Lemma 1) and could be considered as a polyno-
mial generated by Shamir's ( 2 k
1 , m )-threshold scheme to share the secret
i =1 ω i ×
ϕ i .
(i) From Theorem 2(i), F i ×
G i
IK 2 k− 2 [ X ](1
n ). Then, by generalization
of Theorem 1(i), i =1 F i ×
G i
IK 2 k− 2 [ X ]. Consequently, Q
IK 2 k− 2 [ X ].
(ii) From Theorems 2(ii) and 1(ii), it holds Q ( x )= i =1 F i ( x )
G i ( x )for x
IK . I n p a r t i c u l a r , Q (0) = i =1 F i (0)
G i (0) = i =1 ω i ×
ϕ i .Ofcourse,
∈I m , i.e., Q ( )= i =1 F i ( )
the relationship is also true for
G i ( ).
As F i ( )= F i
and G i ( )= G i
for i
∈I m
and 1
n , it follows
Q ( )= i =1 F i ×
G i .
The Kronecker's symbol, δ ij ,isequalto0if i
= j and equal to 1 if i = j .
By α
IK , w e m e a n t h a t α is chosen randomly from all possible elements
of IK.
Addition and multiplication of vectors (of the same variety) are defined nat-
urally. For example, if
=( u 1 ,...,u n )and
=( v 1 ,...,v n ), then
( u 1 + v 1 ,...,u n + v n )and
U × V
=( u 1 ×
v 1 ,...,u n ×
v n ). Similarly, the product
× U
between an element α of IK and a vector
=( u 1 ,...,u n )of n elements
of IK is defined as the vector ( α
u n ).
Each server participating in the protocol is identified by an index selected in
I m =
u 1 ,...,α
1 ,...,m
. Thus, the server associated with index i
∈I m is identified
as S i .
4 Our Model
The setting of our model is similar to the setting of DOT protocols in [8,3,4],
i.e., it encompasses a sender S who owns n secrets ω 1 ,...,ω n ( n> 1), a re-
ceiver R who wishes to learn a secret ω σ ( σ ∈{ 1 ,...n} ), and m servers. In
addition to these parties, we also need to take into account an adversary whose
characteristics are defined below.
Like other DOT protocols, our protocol is composed of two phases: a setup
phase and an oblivious transfer phase. During the setup step, the sender gen-
erates shares of the n secrets he holds and distributes them to the m servers.
The sender does not intervene in the rest of the protocol. During the oblivious
transfer phase, the receiver has to contact k servers (1 <k
m ) to collect
enough shares to construct ω σ .
In our scheme, however, the inequality m
1 must be satisfied. This is
because, condition C 4 allows the receiver to corrupt up to k
2 k
1 servers, in addition
to the k servers chosen by the receiver for gaining shares of the chosen secret.
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