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4. Then, the receiver selects a subset
I k ⊂{
1 ,...,m
of k indices and sends
∈I k )arequest( i, Z 1 ( i ) ,...,Z n− 1 ( i )). When a server S i
receives such a request, it replies with the share F i ( Z 1 ( i ) ,...,Z n− 1 ( i )).
5. After receiving k responses, the receiver interpolates a univariate polynomial
R from the k points ( i, F i ( Z 1 ( i ) ,...,Z n− 1 ( i ))) and calculates the chosen
secret: ω = R (0).
In this scheme, each server S j
to each server S i ( i
1) as the
coecient of y i in the polynomial function F j received from the sender. After
execution of the protocol, the receiver who has learned a secret ω of her choice
can request the values ω i
knows the value ω i
ω 0 (1
1) from a corrupt server and compute
all other secrets. Therefore, a coalition of the receiver and only one dishonest
server enables the receiver to learn all secrets. Indeed, in [3,4], each secret ω i is
masked by multiplying it with a random value r i , but at the end of protocol the
receiver learns all masks as well.
Our observation is that, in [8,3,4], the amount of information given to each
server is too high. A fundamental requirement for achieving condition C 4isthat
not only each server, but also any coalition of up to k
ω 0 (1
1 servers, should not
gain a linear combination of any of two secrets. To meet this requirement, a
solution consists, for the sender, in storing the secret values in the servers using
a( k , m )-threshold scheme (see Sect. 5.1).
3 Preliminaries
Definition 1. A( k , m )-DOT- 1 protocol is (k
1 )-private if, after completion
of the protocol, any subset of up to k
1 servers cannot learn which secret has
been chosen by the receiver.
Definition 2. A( k , m )-DOT- 1 protocol is (k
1 )-secure if, after completion
of the protocol, any subset composed of up to k
1 servers and the receiver cannot
learn information about the secrets in addition to the information already learned
by the receiver.
Throughout this paper, all operations are executed in a finite field (IK = IF p , + ,
where p
IN is a prime number, + is the additive law of composition, and
is the multiplicative law of composition of the field. We assume that p>
max( n, ω 1 ,...,ω n ,m ), where n is the number of secrets, m is the number of
servers, and ω 1 ,...,ω n are the n secrets in the system.
Definition 3. If (IK[ X ] , + ,
) is the ring of polynomials over IK and (IK t [ X ] , +)
the group of polynomials of degree at most t over IK , we say that a polynomial
F = i =0 f i X i of IK t [ X ] is quasi-random , if the coecients f i ( 1
t )are
randomly selected in IK and the constant term f 0 has a predefined value.
Definition 4. By an abuse of language, if F = i =0 f i X i ( r
IN ,f i
IK )
is a polynomial of IK [ X ] ,wedefinethepolynomialfunction F :IK
IK , x
i =0 f i x i . Note that the additive and multiplicative laws of composition in IK [ X ]
are defined such that, for P , Q , R
IK [ X ] and for x
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