Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
18. Dodis, Y., Yampolskiy, A.: A Verifiable Random Function with Short Proofs and
Keys. In: Vaudenay, S. (ed.) PKC 2005. LNCS, vol. 3386, pp. 416-431. Springer,
Heidelberg (2005)
19. Gentry, C.: Practical Identity-Based Encryption Without Random Oracles. In:
Vaudenay, S. (ed.) EUROCRYPT 2006. LNCS, vol. 4004, pp. 445-464. Springer,
Heidelberg (2006)
20. Libert, B., Quisquater, J.J.: Identity based encryption without redundancy. In:
Ioannidis, J., Keromytis, A.D., Yung, M. (eds.) ACNS 2005. LNCS, vol. 3531,
pp. 285-300. Springer, Heidelberg (2005)
21. McCullagh, N., Barreto, P.S.L.M.: A New Two-Party Identity-Based Authenti-
cated Key Agreement. In: Menezes, A. (ed.) CT-RSA 2005. LNCS, vol. 3376, pp.
262-274. Springer, Heidelberg (2005)
22. Sakai, R., Kasahara, M.: ID based Cryptosystems with Pairing on Elliptic Curve.
Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2003/054 (2003),
Security Notions
In this section, we briefly review the security notions for IBE and ID-KEM.
A.1 Chosen Ciphertext Security for IBE
Recall that an IBE system consists of four algorithms [7]: Setup , KeyGen , Encrypt ,
Decrypt .Via( mpk, msk )= Setup (1 κ ) the PKG generate the master key pair
( mpk, msk ). Via sk
KeyGen ( msk, ID ) the PKG uses the master secret key msk
to generate the private key sk corresponding to ID .Via C
Enc ( mpk, M, ID )
the encryption algorithm encrypts messages for a given identity and the decryp-
tion algorithm decrypts ciphertexts using the private key via M
Dec ( sk, C ).
The definition of adaptive chosen ciphertext security for IBE was first formalized
by Boneh and Franlkin in [7, 8]. An IBE scheme
is said to be secure against an
adaptively chosen ciphertext attack ( IND - ID - CCA ) if no probabilistic polynomial
time (PPT) algorithm
has a non-negligible advantage against the challenger
in the following game:
Setup. The challenger run the Setup on security parameter κ to generate the
public parameters mpk and the master secret msk , gives the adversary the public
parameters, and keeps the master secret to itself.
Phase 1. The adversary issues queries q 1 ,...,q m where query q i is one of:
- Extraction query
. The challenger responds by running algorithm Extract
to generate the private key d i corresponding to ID i . It sends d i to the adversary
ID i
- Decryption query
. The challenger responds by running algorithm
Extract to generate the private key d i corresponding to ID i . It then runs
algorithm Decrypt to decrypt the ciphertext C i
ID i ,C i
using the private key d i .It
These queries may be asked adaptively, that is, each query q i may depend on
the replies to q 1 ,...,q i− 1 .
sends the resulting plaintext to the adversary
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