Cryptography Reference
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1.1 Related Work
In EuroCrypt 2008, Cash, Kiltz and Shoup [10] proposed a new computational
problem called the twin Die-Hellman (DH) problem , i.e. given a random triple
of the form ( X 1 ,X 2 ,Y )
, compute dh( X 1 ,Y )and
dh( X 2 ,Y ), where dh is the DH function. They also proposed the strong twin DH
problem , which is the twin DH problem under the condition that an adversary
is given access to a corresponding decision twin DH oracle. They developed an
ingenious trapdoor test, which enables them to prove that the strong twin Die-
Hellman problem is as hard as the original Die-Hellman problem. They also
extended this technique to the bilinear Die-Hellman (BDH) problem.
Trapdoor test is the main contribution of [10]. Concretely speaking, when a
DH adversary
for a cyclic group
is given a challenge ( g, X, Y )=( g, g x ,g y ), it creates a twin DH
challenge with a trapdoor by setting X 1 = X and X 2 = g s /X 1 .Inthisway,a
linear relation with two degrees of freedom : x 2 = s
rx 1 is embedded into the twin
DH challenge. Based on the observation that the solution exponents ( x 1 y, x 2 y )
are linear to ( x 1 ,x 2 ),
can answer the twin DH decision queries by testing if the
linear relationship holds accordingly between Z 1 and Z 2 .Thistrapdoortestcan
be extended to BDH problem in an analogous way without any diculty, since
the BDH problem is a natural extension of the DH problem in groups equipped
with a bilinear map. Using the trapdoor test as a tool, they proved that the strong
twin DH/BDH problem is as hard as the ordinary DH/BDH problem. Benefiting
from this result, they improved a bunch of cryptographic schemes by tailoring
them to fit the twin-type problem, such as Die and Hellman non-interactive key
exchange protocol [17], Cramer-Shoup encryption [15], Boneh-Franklin identity
based encryption [7], etc. Particularly, we call the tailoring method as twinning
technique .
For clarity of further discussion, we take a close look at how to apply the
twinning technique to Boneh-Franklin IBE (BF-IBE for short) scheme. The
twin BF-IBE uses two hash functions, K (outputs symmetric keys) and H
(hashes identities to group elements), and a symmetric cipher ( Enc , Dec ). The
master public key is ( X 1 ,X 2 ), where X i = g x i for i =1 , 2. The master pri-
vate key is ( x 1 ,x 2 ). The private key for an identity ID ∈{
} is ( S 1 ,S 2 )=
( H ( ID ) x 1 ,H ( ID ) x 2 ). To encrypt a message M for identity ID ,onechooses y
0 , 1
Z p
at random and sets Y = g y , Z 1 = e ( H ( ID ,X 1 )) y , Z 2 = e ( H ( ID ,X 2 )) y , derives
k = K ( ID ,Y,Z 1 ,Z 2 ), encrypts C = Enc ( k, M ). To decrypt using the private key
( S 1 ,S 2 )for ID , one computes Z 1 = e ( S 1 ,Y ), Z 2 = e ( S 2 ,Y ), k = K ( ID ,Y,Z 1 ,Z 2 ),
then decrypts M = Dec ( k, C ). We highlight that this is essentially a KEM-DEM
We study the possible improvements brought by the twinning technique as
follows, with an emphasis on public key encryption schemes based on the DH-
type problems in the random oracle model [4].
1. Tighten the security reductions to the computational DH-type problems.
Public key encryption schemes based on the DH-type problems can be di-
vided into two groups, one is based on the decisional problem [6, 16, 19], the
other one is based on the computational problems [1, 7, 22]. In the provable
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