Cryptography Reference
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E ( i +1) .Store A ( i )
and A ( i )
C ( i +1)
D ( i +1)
96 ,which
will be used later. Note that we can compute registers B , C , D ,and E of
H i +1 without knowing the value of A ( i ) or A ( i ) .
3. Find a pseudo-preimage for the last block by using the attack in Section 3.1.
First, fix registers B , C , D ,and E of the input chaining variable to 0, C (33) ,
D (33) ,and E (33) , and fix the target hash value to H 34 . Then, find A (33) and
M 33 where H 34 =CF( H 33 ,M 33 )and M 33 satisfy the padding for a 34-block
4. Determine which of M i and M i ( i =1 , 2 ,..., 32) should be used for a preim-
age. This is done by the exhaustive search, namely, for all message combi-
nations, check A (33) fixed in Step 3 is achieved or not. This can work with
high probability, because the following equation holds.
colliding values be
A ( i )
if M i is used.
A (33) = A (1) +
A ( i )
if M i
is used.
i =0
This can be done with the previous technique such as one described in [20].
Note that we write the case that the feed-forward operation is modular
addition. Replace the modular operation with XOR if the feed-operation is
The complexity of the attack is as follows.
1. 2 32 because we need to specify that register B is 0.
2. For each i , collision without register A can be found in 2 64 ,andregister B of
such a collision is 0 with a probability of approximately 2 32 . In total, 2 101
(= 32
2 32 ). The computation can be done with negligible memory,
while we can compute this in 2 85 with 2 48 blocks of memory.
3. 2 128 followed by Section 3.1.
4. Less than 2 32
2 64
because 32 additions are expected in less than one CF com-
In total, 2 32 +2 101 +2 128 +2 32
2 128 computations are required to obtain a
preimage. Note that Steps 1 and 2 can be pre-computed before the target hash
value is given. Also note that if 2 32 words of memory is allowed, Step 4 can also
be precomputed.
The above attack uses 2 collisions. We can shorten the length of the preimage
with a slightly higher level of complexity and much more memory. When we use
k -collisions, the length of the multi-collision part is log k (2 32 ) blocks, and the
complexity for pre-computation is
log k (2 32 ) ×
2 32
2 96 × ( k− 1) /k )
( k !
and the memory requirement for the attack is approximately 2 96 × ( k− 1) /k blocks.
Thanks to the Joux and Lucks attack [21], we can reduce the memory complexity
to 2 32 for the case of k =3.When k
6, the increase of the time complexity is
negligible with the use of k -collisions.
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