Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 4.3 Chemical structure and abbreviations for perylene diimides (PDI). DAP dialkyl-PDI, PP
(pyridyl) 1 -PDI, DPP (pyridyl) 2 -PDI, TPP (ter-pyridyl) 1 -PDI, DTPP (ter-pyridyl) 2 -PDI
Like in the case of multiporphyrin complexes previously studied in our group
[ 107 , 108 , 111 - 113 ], the existence of substituted pyridyl rings in these organic
ligands offers the possibility for a controllable formation of “QD-Dye” nanoassem-
blies via a non-covalent coordination “key-hole” principle during titration experi-
ments in solution [ 62 , 63 , 65 , 75 , 90 , 101 ]. It is well known for chemical reasons
that the transition metal ions Zn 2 + or Cd 2 + have an empty 3d 10 orbital while
the heteroatom N -pyr of the porphyrin meso -pyridyl ring is a very good e-donor
having an electron lone pair orbital. Correspondingly, in this case a “key-hole”
principle is realized via one- or two-fold non-covalent coordination Zn 2 + ····
N -pyr
or Cd 2 + ····
N -pyr. Recent calculations with respect to the bonding conditions of
ligands [ 106 ] have shown that the bond strength for the ligands can be described in
most cases by electrostatic interactions between the partial charges of the respective
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