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the same time, Fig. 4.15 a shows that upon increasing the molar ratio x in solutions
of “QD-porphyrin” nanoassemblies the integrated fluorescence intensities of (m-
Pyr) 4 -H 2 P are noticeably larger than those being measured for individual porphyrin
molecules for the same excitation conditions (
465 nm, the donor QD strong
absorption). This finding reflects the presence of sensitization (enhancement) that
is typical for FRET. In addition, the fluorescence excitation spectrum of (m-
Pyr) 4 H 2 P in nanoassemblies (
λ ex =
λ reg =
719 nm) provides direct information about the
porphyrin FRET process (Fig. 4.15 b). Nevertheless at a given molar ratio x ,
there is no full coincidence between absorption and fluorescence excitation spectra
for “QD-porphyrin” nanoassemblies. It follows also from TRF experiments (see
Fig. 4.5 d) that only a small build-up component (1-2 ns) is observed [ 62 , 123 ]which
indicates an only weak role of a population mechanism of porphyrin molecules
via excited states of QD in nanoassemblies. Thus, the realization of FRET with
a quantum efficiency of 100% seems not to be the case for the above system.
Experimental results [ 60 , 117 , 135 ] and theoretical considerations [ 115 , 136 ]
suggest that nanocrystalline materials and organic-inorganic hybrids are best
described in the weak coupling regime. This allows the application of Foerster
theory [ 137 ], which typically is used in the limit of “localized oscillators” as a
result of the electric dipole approximation. The corresponding theoretical analysis
in the frame of Foerster model shows [ 62 , 115 ] that for the “QD-porphyrin”
nanoassemblies under study, the energy transfer “QD
porphyrin” should take
place within few nanoseconds time scale with the FRET efficiency E theor
This conclusion is in contradiction to our findings but shows the following relation
between experimental and theoretical FRET rate constants: k DA exper
k DA theor .
Thus, we have carried out a direct comparison of experimental quenching results
for QD emission and sensitization data for porphyrin fluorescence using a complete
set of titration points (Fig. 4.15 c). Based on the ideas presented in [ 62 - 64 , 138 ,
139 ], the analysis of FRET efficiencies via sensitization effect has been carried at
every titration step upon variation of the x ratio using the following equation:
E FRET =[ ε A ( λ ex )
F A ] / [ ε D ( λ ex )
F A ·
] ,
where F AD corresponds to the A fluorescence intensity measured at
λ em [651 nm,
Q(0,0) band maximum of H 2 P] while exciting at the strong donor absorption
λ ex =
465 nm. F D corresponds to H 2 P (acceptor) emission at the same
λ em and
λ ex
in the absence of QD (donor). n is the number of A molecules per D,
ε D are
molar extinction coefficients of A and D, respectively, at the excitation wavelength
λ ex . It follows from Fig. 4.15 c that at every molar ratio x , E FRET values calculated
from fluorescence enhancement (right scale) are significantly smaller than those
estimated from QD PL quenching efficiency [ E QUENCH =
ε A and
I (x)/ I 0 ]. It is seen also
that beginning from x
6 there is a saturation tendency for experimental E FRET
In fact, the experimental situation, when E FRET
E QUENCH , has been observed
not only for “QD-porphyrin” nanoassemblies with various CdSe/ZnS QDs [ 62 - 64 ]
but also for “QD-PDI” systems [ 74 , 94 ]. In order to verify the question whether the
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