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δφ =
)( ν +
( ∇φ /| ∇φ | )) | ∇φ |∗ δ
0 is initialized as the signed distance function of C 0 and ( 34 ) is iterated until
δφ < ε
Importantly, in order for the update ( 34 ) to work correctly, the level set property
must be
periodically re-initialized. This is costly and has led to the development of efficient
narrow banding techniques that limit updates to
must be maintained at all times. In practice, this requires that
near the zero level set, while
further constraining
to be a distance function in this neighborhood. Techniques
have also been developed that optimize and adapt the level set technique specifically
for image segmentation tasks. A novel discrete framework was introduced by [ 75 ]
which achieves unparalleled speedup by avoiding the solution of any costly pdes.
Some interesting aspects of the algorithm include the adoption of a level set function
with a range limited to the set (
1,1,3). The level set function updates based on
neighborhood connectivity over a minimally sparse set of active boundary points,
and never needs re-initialization. Smoothing is achieved by periodically convolving
the level set function with a Gaussian kernel.
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