Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
. A portion of the PHIS-ontology in OWL
Fig. 7.
the lack of semantics we do
we use ontology languages
o not use XML for representing PHIS-ontology but inst
RDF and OWL.
Providing Inform
mation Flows and Medical Education
As we have already stated
should coordinate the flows
provide educational relevan
are carried out by the info
functionalities exploit the in
Each instance of the clas
property Predecessor the ent
listed first, and by using the
different subjects. Patient an
new entries for the blog thro
Each instance of the cla
data property url specifies
instance. As illustrated in Fi
the class InformationEntity
Thus, based on these relati
delivered to the patient. For
diseases that patient John Sm
Ix-manager) when new dise
therapy, i.e., prescribe the ri
the technology that supports emerging healthcare mod
s of information within patient's healthcare team as wel
nt material. In our developed solutions these functionali
ormation stored in the PHIS-ontology. In particular th
nstances of the classes BlogItem and InformationEntity.
ss BlogItem represents an entry in patient blog. By its obj
tries are presented in chronological order with the latest en
e object property Deals blog's entries can be classified i
nd patient's healthcare team are allowed to access and cre
ugh the functionalities provided by the Blog manager.
ass InformationEntity represents an educational material.
the location of the actual content of the material, i.e.,
igure 6, the PHIS-ontology also specifies the relationship
to other relevant classes such as Medication and Dise
onships relevant educational material can be automatic
example, we can query the information entities that deal
mith suffers from. Further, by activating such queries (by
ease is inserted for a patient, we can automate informat
ght information to right patient at right time.
ll as
. Its
ps of
l the
y the
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