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A Semi-implicit Formulation
In the previous section we considered the approximated Euler-Lagrange equation (8)
associated to the minimization of the energy (6). This is a modelling approximation and
we can get rid of it. In fact, considering the original Euler-Lagrange equation associated
to the energy (6) we have (with abuse of notation for the diffusive term)
+ λ
σ 2
[ u
r ( u,f ) f ]=0
with r ( u,f )= I 1 ( uf/σ 2 ) /I 0 ( uf/σ 2 ) . A rigorous treatment of equation (12) should
follow the multivalued formalism of (7).
Using again a gradient descent scheme we have to solve the parabolic problem:
∂t = div
σ 2 [ u
r ( u,f ) f ]
together with Neumann homogeneous boundary conditions ∂u/∂n =0 and initial con-
dition u (0 ,x )= u 0 ( x ) . For comparison purposes we used u 0 ( x )= u
( x ) in all numer-
ical tests.
Using forward finite difference for the temporal derivative in (13) and a semi-implicit
scheme where only the term depending on the ratio of the Bessel's functions is delayed,
results in the numerical scheme:
1+ τ λ
σ 2
u n +1 = u n + τ div ∇u n +1
+ λ
σ 2
r ( u n ,f ) f
u n +1 |
where the diffusive term is (formally) exact and implicitly considered (compare with
(11)). Defining β =( τλ ) 2 , γ =(1+ β ) and
g n = 1
1+ β
u n + β
1+ β
r ( u n ,f ) f
we can write:
+ 1
u n +1
g n =0
u n +1
u n +1 |
which is the Euler-Lagrange equation of the ROF energy functional ([7]):
E n ( u )=
+ 1
2 γ
g n ) 2 dx
Ω |
( u
for any positive integer n> 0 , with (artificial) time t n = . Hence, at each gradient
descent step τ , we can solve a ROF problem associated to the minimization of the
energy (17) in the space BV ( Ω )
[0 , 1] . This problem is mathematically well-posed
and it can be numerically solved by very efficient methods, when formulated using well
known duality arguments as can be seen in [8], in order to apply this algorithm we must
introduce the discrete setting for the Total Variation Rician Denoising problem.
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