Biomedical Engineering Reference
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1. Frank, A., Lobry, J.: Asymmetric substitution patterns: a review of possible underlying mu-
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16. Mackiewicz, P., Gierlik, A., Kowalczuk, M., Dudek, M.R., Cebrat, S.: How does replication-
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17. Rocha, E., Danchin, A., Viari, A.: Universal replication biases in bacteria. Mol. Micro-
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18. Tillier, E., Collins, R.: Replication orientation affects the rate and direction of bacterial gene
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19. Szczepanik, D., Mackiewicz, P., Kowalczuk, M., Gierlik, A., Nowicka, A., Dudek, M.R.,
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20. Mackiewicz, P., Mackiewicz, D., Kowalczuk, M., Dudkiewicz, M., Dudek, M.R., Cebrat,
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