Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Different developed analytical method are discussed in this chapter related to the
determination of illicit substances in blood (either whole blood, plasma, or serum),
OF, urine, and hair. These methods take into consideration the particular chemical
and physical composition of the matrix and applies each time a suitable pretreat-
ment to remove interfering and matrix effect, to maximize recoveries and to achieve
a suitable enrichment if necessary. For liquid matrices the applications of the most
common techniques are considered from simple PPT to SPE and LLE; the results of
recent works from literature are reported and new trends as online SPE, m SPE, auto-
mated LLE (SLE) or MAE are examined. Several stationary phases have been
shown to be suitable for determination of illicit drugs: C18, pentafluorophenyl,
strong cation-exchange, and HILIC columns. The trend toward fast chromatography
is investigated, both UHPLC and HPLC with appropriate arrangements; moreover,
results obtained with different ion sources, ESI, APCI, and APPI are compared.
Without claiming to be exhaustive, these pages could be a good starting point to
learn about the topic of analysis of illicit drugs by LC-MS n ; the aim is to direct the
readers to specific aspects of analytical problem, which should be further focused
depending on their needs.
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10. Osborne R, Joel S, Trew D, Slevin M (1990) Morphine and metabolite behavior after different
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11. Olson KR (1999) Anfetamine, cocaine, oppioidi, cannabinoidi, allucinogeni. Intossicazioni
acute, veleni; veleni, farmaci e droghe. Springer Ed., Milano
12. Warner A, Norman AB (2000) Mechanisms of cocaine hydrolysis and metabolism in vitro and
in vivo: a clarification. Ther Drug Monit 22(3):266-270
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