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Analysis of Illicit Drugs in Human Biological
Samples by LC-MS n
Manuel Sergi and Sabino Napoletano
Abstract There are several classes of illegal substances with different psychotropic
effects. It is possible to select a biological matrix and a suitable analytical strategy
depending on the aim of the analysis and/or on the availability of the sample or on
which kind of information is needed. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
(LC-MS or LC-MS/MS) has provided a helpful tool in this field especially for
hydrophilic, thermolabile, and nonvolatile analytes, which analysis is sometimes
critical by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Specific guidelines
or procedures have been adopted in order to assist the chemist and to direct him/her
towards the practical applications, for which a new analytical method is being
created, including measures of veri fi cation and external assessment.
The consumption of illicit drugs is a growing social and health problem which
involves people of different ages and social classes all over the world. This phenom-
enon has pushed the research in analytical and forensic toxicology toward a fast
evolution: the development of even more sophisticated analytical techniques with
better performances, reduced analysis time, and better knowledge of the biological
These drugs, which may be of synthetic or natural origin, produce psychic altera-
tions and behavior modifications; often they induce the consumer to periodically
M. Sergi ( * )
Department of Food Science , University of Teramo , via C. Lerici 1 , 64023
Mosciano S.A , TE , Italy
S. Napoletano
Department of Chemistry , Sapienza University of Rome , p.le A. Moro 5 , 00185 Roma , Italy
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