Biomedical Engineering Reference
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21. Yang W, Regnierb FE, Slivac D, Adame J (2008) Stable isotope-coded quaternization for
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32. Yokokawa A, Yamamoto K, Omori Y, Shibasaki H, Shinohara Y, Kasuya Y, Furuta T (2009)
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33. Gomes RL, Avcioglu E, Scrimshaw MD, Lester JN (2004) Steroid estrogen determination in
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34. Zuo Y, Zhang K, Lin Y (2007) Microwave-accelerated derivatization for the simultaneous
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36. Xu X, Keefer LK, Waterhouse DJ, Saavedra JE, Veenstra TD, Ziegler RG (2004) Measuring
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