Biomedical Engineering Reference
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steroids, but will miss those nonketolic steroids [ 4, 25, 56 ]. If steroid hormones are
analyzed without derivatization, they may need to be analyzed by LC-MS/MS using
both positive and negative modes for different hormones, and the LOQ values of
steroid hormones fall in a very broad range, because of the sensitivity variations of
steroid hormones to different MS modes [ 22, 29, 77 ] .
Applications of Mass Spectrometry
in Steroid Hormones Analyses
Clinical Chemistry and Food Safety
Varieties of LC-MS/MS and GC-MS technologies and methodologies have been
developed and applied for clinical chemistry diagnostic testing. For example, adrenal
steroids, glucocorticoids, androgens, and estrogens are biomarker of many endocri-
nology diseases [ 2 ] , pediatric development syndromes [ 9 ] , and congenital adrenal
hyperplasia [ 89 ]. Endogenous steroids are also related to prevalent cardiovascular
disease in old men and women [ 90 ], and other age-related diseases [ 60 ] . Elevated
estrogens and metabolites in plasma and serum of postmenopausal women are used
as biomarkers for risk assessment of breast, ovary, and thyroid cancers, bone homeo-
sis and osteoporosis in postmenopausal women [ 4, 15, 39, 91 ] . Androgens may be
related to prostate cancer progression and treatment [ 31 ] , and hyperandrogenism
may cause polycystic ovary syndrome and androgen-secreting tumors [ 32 ] .
In addition, steroid hormones in many kinds of biological fluids and tissues
have been determined by LC-MS/MS and GC-MS technologies and methodolo-
gies. For example, LC-MS/MS has been utilized for monitoring (1) plasma corti-
costeroids and metabolites to evaluate their therapeutic and side effects as clinically
used medicines [ 92 ], (2) estrogens in human cerebrospinal fluid [ 93 ] and perito-
neal fl uid [ 94 ], (3) urinary endogenous estrogen metabolites [ 95, 96 ] , (4) estrogens
in breast tissue [ 26 ], and (5) steroid hormones as residuals in edible matrices [ 12 ] .
Polyphenol phytoestrogens in foods and human biological fluids are also measured
by mass spectrometry technologies [ 97 ] .
Antidoping Steroid Screen for Athletes and Racing Horses
Corticosteroids are used by some athletes and racing horses to enhance their perfor-
mances. In order to prohibit drug doping, many sport organizations, e.g., International
Olympic Committee, attempt to monitor the corticosteroids in urine of athletes. An
example of earlier GC-MS method in steroid screen consists of procedures of
deconjugation of glucuronide and sulfate, derivatization with MSTFA and GC-MS
analysis [ 98 ]. The more recent LC-MS/MS methods separate the corticosteroids by
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