Biomedical Engineering Reference
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understanding the behaviour of human bones. Here, our focus is on the upper arm
bone, the humerus, which is a long bone, composed of a head, neck and body, or
shaft [ 2 ].
The study of the model has been done by creating its Rapid Prototype (RP). RP
Technology is a group of manufacturing processes that enable the direct physical
realisation of 3D computer models. This technology converts the 3D computer
data provided by a dedicated file format directly into a physical model, layer-by-
layer with a high degree of accuracy. With the advancements in medical-based
modeling technologies like Medical device prototyping, biomodeling, anatomical
modeling, and Reverse Engineering it is possible to construct three-dimensional
(3D) models of anatomical structures of the human body. This is possible by
collating scan data attained from CT and MRI scans. These 3D models of ana-
tomical structures can be used for preoperative planning, diagnosis of diseases,
surgical simulation, and medical device prototyping [ 3 ].
1. To obtain a 3D model of human humerus CT image using MIMICS and
2. Application of FEA on the 3D model and obtaining its results using ANSYS.
3. Conversion of the data into STL file format for the creation of the RP model.
4. RP model of human humerus bone created at DRDO, Bangalore.
5. 3D model obtained from the CT images of the RP model.
6. Again applying the FEA for the results of the RP model using ANSYS 14.
7. Comparison of the results of Real Proximal Human Humerus Bone with the RP
The first three objectives have been fulfilled in our previous work and the rest of
it has been explained below including some of the crucial steps of the previous
Materials and Methods
(a) Data Collection:
The geometrical data of real proximal human humerus bone in the format of
Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) images of a 17-year-
old male, whose weight is 75 kg, is obtained from CT scan data. This DICOM data
set is obtained from GE Signa HDXt 2008 Multi Channel 1.5 Tesla Supercon-
ducting Helium Cooled whole-body MR module machine and contains a total of
909 slices. This machine can perform with highest precision the humongous task
0.4 mm
1,024 9 1,024.
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