Biomedical Engineering Reference
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deliver drug safely at the target site. Some of the anticancer agents are believed to
suppress the progression of cancer cells while others modulate the proliferation or
differentiation. Use of anticancer agents is associated with the risk of sustained
damage to DNA. Thus, it proves to be of no satisfactory treatment for cancer. The
traditional mode of drug administration generally is unable to provide target
specificity. A sharp increase in drug release is also observed in such systems and
drug toxicity is observed, while, sometimes, less therapeutic effect is also
observed. Thus it becomes a need to deliver target molecule at target tissue with
high degree of specificity [ 2 ].
Lipid-based drug carrier systems viz., solid lipid nanoparticles and solid lipid
microspheres emerge as one of the promising carrier systems for the delivery of
water-insoluble drugs [ 3 ]. Docetaxel is clinically well-established anti-mitotic
chemotherapy medicament used mainly used for the treatment of breast, ovarian,
and non-small cell lung cancer [ 3 ]. Its short biological half-life necessitates the
need to be administered in two or three doses of 20-80 mg per day [ 4 ]. The
development of chondroitin sulfate-coupled liposomes would be beneficial.
Materials and Method
Docetaxel was obtained as a generous gift sample from Dabur, India. Phosphatidyl
choline was obtained as a gift sample from Lipoid, GmbH, Germany. Stearylamine,
cholesterol, chondroitin sulfate, Triton-X100, 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)
carbodiimide Sephadex G-50, Calcein, RPMI-1640, 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol- 2-2-
yl)-2,5-diphenyl) tetrazolium bromide (MTT) were procured from Sigma Chemicals
(St Louis, MO). Dialysis membrane (MWCO 12-14 kDa) were procured from
Himedia (Mumbai, India). Chloroform, methanol was purchased from Loba, India.
All other reagents and solvents used were of analytical grade and were used as
received. MiliQ water was used throughout the study.
Swiss albino mice of either sex were used for the studies. The animals were
maintained under standard conditions (27 ± 2 C; relative humidity 60 ± 5%,
light-dark cycle of 12 h) and fed with standard pellet diet and water ad libidum
were used for the present study. The research protocol was approved by the
Institutional Animal Ethical Committee.
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