Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
A Word of Caution
Consider how targeted individuals will react to being deceived. If you have to
work with them afterward, the good will you may lose could cost you. For this
reason, companies tend to err on the side of caution, often selecting impersonal
email-based scenarios in place of confrontations by phone or in person. You can
easily get into trouble without a written approval for the scenario from
your manager or client, and preferably from their manager as well. If you are a
consultant, you will be wise to seek a lawyer's perspective before accepting
the project.
Arm Yourself with Knowledge
Employees ARE your biggest security threat. Many employees are unaware that
certain actions are not safe. Others may know the actions are unsafe, but are
willing to take the chance to avoid what seems like a burdensome security pro-
cedure. These training courses do not stop at simply describing why certain actions
are unsafe. They also discuss how to detect and prevent future information
Prevention from Social Engineering Attacks
The best combat strategy against social engineering is user awareness that these
attacks do happen. Examples of social engineering exploit:
• A confused and befuddled person will call a clerk and meekly request a pass-
word change.
• Seemingly powerful and hurried people, identifying themselves as executives,
will telephone a new system administrator and demand access to their account
• At an airport, somebody will look over a shoulder (''shoulder surfing'') as
telephone credit card numbers or ATM PINs (sometimes even using binoculars
or camcorders) are keyed.
• A visitor, incognito, will watch as you enter a login-ID and password at your
• Somebody will call and confidently instruct a computer operator to type in a few
lines of instruction at the console.
• An attacker will sift through your paper trash (also known as ''dumpster div-
ing''), looking for clues to unlock your IT treasures or financial life.
• Here are some good practices:
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