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2. Java programming language provides inbuilt security and cryptographic
packages which proved to be very helpful while implementing both the security
protocol architecture.
In this research paper, we proposed a new improved Hybrid security protocol
architecture and carried out a comparative study in between the Proposed and the
recent architecture. The comparative study simply proves that the proposed hybrid
security protocol architecture scores high over the previous security protocol
architecture in terms of being more time efficient and providing better security
especially against square attacks because of the inclusion of AES algorithm. The
square attack on AES Rijndael can be extended to 7 rounds by guessing the 16
bytes of the last round key.The proposed hybrid security protocol may solve many
problems regarding practical implementation, provides short response time, effi-
cient computation, and increases the strength of cryptosystems.
The performance matrix which contains the execution time of both the archi-
tecture's, the recent one and the proposed one on a number of hardware platforms
(processors) under ideal conditions proves that the proposed hybrid security pro-
tocol architecture is faster or requires less execution time and is better in any
working environment.
Future Work
As there is always room for improvement, the security as well as the performance
of the proposed security protocol architecture can be improved by simply incor-
porating the improved versions of the constituent's cryptographic algorithms.
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