Biomedical Engineering Reference
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• Randomly generate potential detectors and place them in a set P
• Determine the affinity of each member of P with each member of the self-set
S seen
• If at least one element in S recognizes a detector in P according to a recognition
• then the detector is rejected, otherwise it is added to the set of available
detectors D
• until Stopping criteria has been met
The negative selection algorithm was designed for change detection, novelty
detection, intrusion detection, similar pattern recognition, and two-class classifi-
cation problem domains. The algorithm can be configured to balance between
detector convergence (quality of the matches) and the space complexity (number
of detectors). The lack of dependence between detectors means that detector
preparation and application is inherently parallel and suited for a distributed and
parallel implementation, respectively.
Evaluation Measures
To evaluate the system performance, the following measures (based on [ 26 ]) were
True Positive Rate (TP) (also known as detection rate or completeness): the
percentage of terrorist pages receiving a rating above the threshold in the exper-
iments, terrorist pages will be obtained from the users simulating terrorists.
False Positive Rate (FP): the percentage of regular Internet access pages that
the system incorrectly determined as related to terrorist activities, i.e., the per-
centage of nonterrorist pages receiving a rating above threshold and suspected
falsely as terrorists.
This chapter has described the use of negative selection algorithm with niching for
network intrusion detection. After an existing negative selection algorithm was
analyzed, this chapter proposed a modified negative selection algorithm with
niching and the anticipated advantages of this modified approach for network
intrusion detection were discussed. Based on these studies, real network packet
data used for this work were introduced. Finally, this chapter outlined a number of
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