Cryptography Reference
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7.6. Suppose that you have a sorted list, A , of 16-bit values m j and a sorted
list, B , of their hash values h ( m j ) for j =1 , 2 ,... 2 8 . You compare the
lists A and B pairwise, namely,
( m j ,h ( m j ))
( m k ,h ( m k )) ,
in order to seek out collisions, where h ( m j )= h ( m k ). How many compar-
isons must you make to guarantee a success rate of at least 50%?
7.7. What is the maximum number of iterations to produce a collision with
SHA-1? (See pages 255-258.)
7.8. RIPEMD-160, described on page 259, uses little-Endian architecture (see
Footnote 9.24 on page 350). Explain why it must be ensured that the
message digest is independent from the underlying architecture.
7.9. Is A CBC-MAC a one-way transformation? (See page 261.)
7.10. Explain the security problems with an HMAC if it were possible to invert
the hash function H (see pages 263-264). In general, explain why hash
function must be practically noninvertible.
7.11. If it were possible to have a “perfect” hash function, then we would have
a powerful imaginary function called a random oracle . In other words, if
we could prove that hash functions behave like truly random functions,
we would have the existence of a random oracle. A random oracle has
output that is not only uniform, but also deterministic and eGcient. This
idealized model for a hash function is often called the random oracle model ,
which was introduced in [14]. In the random oracle model, a hash function
is randomly selected, but we are not given an explicit description of how to
compute the hash values. We are allowed only to query a so-called oracle
who has access to the function. Think of this as equivalent to looking up
a value of h ( m ) for a given m in some table. Thus, if we are given m then
h will output the same value h ( m ) every time the oracle is queried with
that value. Moreover, if the oracle is not queried with a specific value,
then the output is a random value that has a uniform probability of being
chosen throughout the possible values in the range of h .
Based on the above description, suppose that Alice sends messages m to
Bob but does so as h ( m ) where h is a random oracle. Suppose that Mallory
has access to an oracle of his own that allows him to submit ciphertext
( c,m ), which responds with true if h ( m )= c and false otherwise. Is this
system secure against Mallory's attack?
7.12. Explain how Mallory could successfully impersonate Alice to Bob, in the
X.509 three-way authentication protocol described on pages 269 and 270
if timestamps are not employed.
( Hint: See Exercise 5.3. )
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