Cryptography Reference
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required for these calculations. Whenever, we suggest a computer for cal-
culations henceforth, we will be assuming, tacitly, that a software package
such as Maple or MATLAB is available.
4.23. ( p,q ) = (5443 , 4327), n = 23551861, e = 5, and c
1960142 (mod n ).
( Hint: Without repeated squaring, even with a computer, raising the ci-
phertext to the deciphering exponent d , will take considerable time to exe-
cute. Thus, you should first factor d , then raise c to the factors successively
until m is found. This will quite considerably reduce the calculation time.
The same comment holds for Exercises 4.24-4.26. )
4.24. ( p,q ) = (6113 , 7001), n = 42797113, e = 11, and c
3430667 (mod n ).
4.25. ( p,q ) = (7499 , 8237), n = 61769263, e = 7, and c
16695987 (mod n ).
4.26. ( p,q ) = (8999 , 9547), n = 85913453, e = 13, and c
63358885 (mod n ).
4.27. Explain why neither e = 3 nor e = 11 can be employed with the modulus
in Exercise 4.26.
4.28. The Carmichael function , λ ( n ), is defined as follows. If n
, and
n =2 a
p a 1
p a 2
p a k
is its canonical prime factorization, namely, 2 <p 1 <p 2 <
<p k , then
λ ( n )= φ ( n )
if n =2 a , and 1
2 ,
2 a 2 = φ ( n ) / 2
if n =2 a ,a> 2 ,
lcm( λ (2 a ) ( p a 1 ) ,...,φ ( p a k ))
if k
1 ,
where φ is Euler's totient (see Definition A.22 on page 479), and where
lcm is the least common multiple (see page 471).
Suppose that p and q are primes and n = pq is an RSA modulus. Fur-
thermore, assume that x
with gcd( x,n ) = 1 and that e and d are the
RSA-enciphering and deciphering exponents, respectively. Show that the
following hold.
1. x λ ( n )
1 (mod n ).
2. x ed
x (mod n ).
( In particular, if p and q are safe primes, then λ ( n )= φ ( n ) / 2 , so the
above shows that φ ( n ) / 2 may be used in place of φ ( n ) in the RSA cipher.
( See page 200 for a definition and application of safe primes. ) In fact,
even when p and q are not safe primes, λ ( n ) may be employed in the RSA
cryptosystem since φ ( n ) and λ ( n ) are roughly the same size. The reason
for the latter is that the gcd( p
1 ,q
1) has an expectation of being small
when p and q are chosen arbitrarily. )
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