Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
3.38. If an LFSR has period length 2
1, called a maximum-length LFSR,
show that
c j x j ,
t ( x )=1+
j =1
called the tap polynomial , is irreducible.
( Hint: See Definition A.35 on page 486 in Appendix A. Assume that t ( x )
is reducible and argue on the degrees of the individual factors in relation to
t ( x ) . Also, note that the individual factors generate LFSRs and the least
common multiple of their periods must be at least as big as the period for
the LFSR associated with t ( x ) . )
3.39. Is the converse of Exercise 3.38 true?
( Hint: Look at Exercise 3.34. )
3.40. Show that if t ( x ) is the tap polynomial for a maximum-length LFSR
(see Exercise 3.38), then t ( x ) must divide x 2
1 but t ( x )doesnot
divide x d
1 for any proper divisor d of 2
1. (In this case t ( x ) is called
primitive .)
( Hint: Use matrix theory employing the tap matrix C , defined on page 157,
and the matrix theory in Appendix A, especially on page 493, to conclude
that C 2
1 = I , where I is the identity matrix and all entries are reduced
modulo 2 . Note that since t ( x ) must be irreducible by Exercise 3.38, then
it divides every polynomial that has the root C of C 2
1 = I in common
with it, where t ( x ) is viewed as the determinant of the matrix C
Ix .
Thus, t ( x ) will divide x 2
1 in this case. )
3.41. Show that if n (1) denotes the number of ones output by a maximum
length LFSR, and n (0) denotes the number of zeros output by it, then
n (1)
n (0) = 1.
( Hint: The zero sequence cannot be included. )
3.42. Show that if t ( x ) is irreducible as the tap polynomial of an LFSR, then
the period length is a factor of 2
( Hint: Use similar techniques to those suggested in the hint for Exercise
3.40. )
Show that if 2
1 is prime (called a Mersenne prime ), then every
irreducible polynomial of degree is the tap polynomial of a maximum-
length LFSR.
3.44. Suppose that r is a factor of 2
1 but r is not a factor of 2 d
1 for
any positive integer d< . Show that there is an irreducible polynomial
of degree that is the tap polynomial of an LFSR of period length r .
( Hint: You can actually show that there are φ ( r ) / irreducible polynomials
of degree as tap polynomials of LFSRs of period length r , for each such
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