Cryptography Reference
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3.31. Let r =6, s = 29, and k =( k 1 k 2 k 3 k 4 k 5 k 6 ) = (237591).
This is a famous quote attributed to the Duchess of Windsor (Wallis Simp-
son) (1896-1986) , who was the wife of the former King Edward VIII.
3.32. Let r =4, s = 16, and k =( k 1 k 2 k 3 k 4 ) = (7182).
This, and its conclusion in Exercise 3.33, is a quote from John SheGeld
(First Duke of Buckingham and Normanby) (1648-1721) , who was an
English poet and politician. The quote is taken from “An Essay upon
Satire” (1689) .
3.33. Let r =4, s = 17, and k =( k 1 k 2 k 3 k 4 ) = (1234).
See Exercise 3.32 for the initial part of this quote.
In Exercises 3.34-3.44, use the information pertaining to LFSRs as de-
scribed on pages 156-158. For further reading on LFSRs, the reader may
consult [111]or [283.
3.34. Given =4,( c 1 c 2 c 3 c 4 ) = (1010) and initial state,
s 0 =( k (3 , 0) k (2 , 0) k (1 , 0) k (0 , 0) ) = (0111) ,
calculate the period length and each iteration for the LFSR.
3.35. Execute the calculations in Exercise 3.34 using matrix equations as de-
scribed on pages 157 and 158.
( Hint: Your last calculation should be CS 6 = S 7 . )
3.36. Show that the maximum number of possible internal states is 2
3.37. Prove that an LFSR must be periodic with period length no larger than
Note that if c =0 , then the LFSR is not periodic, but is eventually
periodic since it must become periodic after ignoring a finite number of
initial terms. In other words, s L = s N for some N
L> 0 . When
c =0 , the LFSR is called singular , and is called nonsingular otherwise.
Hence, we are only considering nonsingular LFSRs since our assumption
on page 155 is that c =1 .
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