Cryptography Reference
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r q 1
q r 1 (mod rq ).
(3) Compute p 0
(4) Find the first prime in the sequence
p 0 +2 iqr
} i N , and let
p = p 0 +2 iqr
be that prime, which is a strong prime.
Although it is possible to generate primes that are both safe and strong,
the algorithms are not as eGcient as Gordon's algorithm. Furthermore, choos-
ing random primes large enough will generally thwart direct factoring attacks.
The following, also taken from [170], provides a mechanism for generating large
random primes.
Large (Probable) Prime Generation
We let b be the input bitlength of the desired prime and let B be the input
smoothness bound (empirically determined). Execute the following steps.
(1) Randomly generate an odd b -bit integer n .
(2) Use trial division to test for divisibility of n by all odd primes no bigger
than B .If n is so divisible, go to step (1). Otherwise go to step (3).
(3) Use the Miller-Selfridge-Rabin (MSR) to test n for primality. If it is de-
clared to be a probable prime, then output n as such. Otherwise, go to
step (1).
Large (Provable) Prime Generation
Begin with a prime p 1 , and execute the following steps until you have a
prime of the desired size. Initialize the variable counter j =1.
(1) Randomly generate a small odd integer m and form n =2 mp j +1.
(2) If 2 n 1
1 (mod n ), then go to step (1). Otherwise, go to step (3).
Using the primality test on page 550, with prime bases 2
23, if for
any such a ,
a ( n 1) /p
1 (mod n )
for any prime p dividing n
1, then n is prime. If n is large enough,
terminate the algorithm with output n as the provable prime. Otherwise,
set n = p j +1 , j = j + 1, and go to step (1). If the test fails go to step (1).
1 in the above algorithm,
and a small value of m to check, then the test is simple and eGcient.
Note that since we have a known factorization of n
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