Cryptography Reference
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The bank stores ( A,I A ,N A ) in its database where I A is a digital data
string uniquely identifying Alice and N A is her account number.
Identification Protocol: D.1 When Alice wishes to withdraw coins from
her account, she must first identify herself to the bank's satisfaction.
g f 1 g f 2
) , at random, computes f
(1) Alice generates f 1 ,f 2
(mod p ),
and sends f to the bank.
The bank generates a random k
(the challenge), and sends it
to Alice.
Alice computes 1
f 1 + ke 1 (mod q ) and 2
f 2 + ke 2 (mod q ) (the
responses) and sends ( 1 , 2 ) to the bank.
g 1 g 2 (mod p ). D.2
(5) If the bank accepts her response in step (4), it sends her an identification
number y 1 = A x .
( By completing step (5) , Alice proves that she owns A . She does this by a
proof of knowledge of ( e 1 ,e 2 ) . )
(4) The bank accepts her response if and only if fA k
Coin Withdrawal Protocol: For simplicity, we assume that Alice wants
to withdraw only one coin, a six-tuple of integers ( X,Y,Y 1 ,Y 2 ,Y 3 ,Z ), which we
will now see how to construct.
) , computes y 2
α w (mod p ),
(1) The bank chooses a random w
A w (mod p ), and sends ( y 2 ,y 3 ) to Alice.
y 3
(2) Alice selects three random integers z 1
and z 2 ,z 3 ,
. She
computes the following where all congruences are modulo p :
y 1
A z 1 , 1
y z 1 , 2
y z 2 α z 3
y z 1 z 2
A z 1 z 3 .
and Y 3
) such that
Now she computes s 1 ,s 2 ,t 1 ,t 2 ,u 1 ,u 2
e 1 z 1
s 1 + s 2 (mod q ) ,e 2 z 1
t 1 + t 2 (mod q ) ,z 1
u 1 + u 2 (mod q ) .
D.1 In the Brands scheme this step is often called the representation problem step . It turns
out that the Brands scheme is built on the Schnorr signature scheme and the representation
problem which is given as follows. In a group of prime order G with generators ( g 1 ,g 2 ,...,g s )
for s
G , find a representation such that h = j =1 g b j j for b j
The reader will note that this is related to a discrete log problem and so is di cult without
knowledge of the b j .
D.2 To see that step (4) identifies Alice uniquely, note that since A is unique to Alice and
2, g j
G , and a given h
≡ g f 1 g f 2 ( g e 1 g e 2 ) k
≡ g f 1 + ke 1
g f 2 + ke 2
≡ g 1 g 2 (mod p ) ,
fA k
then Alice's identity is indeed verified.
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