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n ,n ). Then we construct a set of integers i
for x
so that g ( x i ) factors
over the factor base and
y 2 (mod n ) .
b i
g ( x i )
x i S
x i S
For a single choice of g ( x ), there is an unreasonable amount of time required to
generate a suGciently large enough set
over which g ( x ) will factor. The reason
n ,n ) is also large since g ( x )= O ( n 1 / 2+ )
is large as well, and so we will probably not be able to factor most of the
g ( x ) over a small set of primes. The following version, taken from [170], solves
this problem by establishing an eGcient means of using several polynomials so
that the x values may be chosen from smaller intervals rather than one large
interval. This means that the average polynomial values are smaller than the
average of g and have a higher probability of factoring over small primes than
the g ( x ) values in the ordinary quadratic sieve. This then is a way of running
the ordinary quadratic sieve in parallel.
is that for large n , the interval (
C.6 Multipolynomial Quadratic Sieve (MPQS)
In this algorithm, n
is assumed to be a large composite number. The
goal is to split n .
( Select bo unds ): Choose a large smoothness bound B and an M
with ( 2 n/M ) 1 / 4 >B .
( Select a factor base ): Choose a set of L
primes as a factor base
(see the discussion on page 534) that is fixed for the algorithm:
p i : p i is prime and n
p i
= 1 for i =1 , 2 ,...,L
with q i = p a i i <B ,
where the symbol is the Legendre symbol. For p i F
compute solutions t q i
to the congruences,
t q i
n (mod q i ) ,
for 0 <t q i
q i / 2.
with 1 <k<r . C.3
Generate primes g 1 ,g 2 ,...,g r , which are called g -primes , satisfying:
(3) ( Create a quadratic polynomial ): Choose r, k
( 2 n/M ) 1 / (2 k ) ,
(b) ( g i ) = 1, and
(c) for each i =1 , 2 ,...,r , gcd( g i ,q ) = 1 for all q
(a) g i
C.3 Wechooseasmallvaluesof r forpedagogicalpurposesbutinpractice,theMPQStypically
uses a value such as r = 30, for instance.
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