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Now we turn to some facts about fields themselves. For the following exam-
ple, recall that a finite field is a field with a finite number of elements n
denoted by
F n . In general, if K is a finite field, then K =
F p m for some prime
p and m
F p is called the prime subfield
of K . In general, a prime subfield is a field having no proper subfields, so
, also called Galois fields . The field
F p is the prime
the prime subfield of any field of characteristic 0 and
field of any field K =
p m . Also, we have the following result.
Theorem A.21 ( Multiplicative Subgroups of Fields)
If F is any field and F is a finite subgroup of the multiplicative subgroup
of nonzero elements of F , then F is cyclic. A.3 In particular, if F =
F p n is a
finite field, then F is a finite cyclic group, and a generator of F is called a
primitive element of F .
, then there exists a field with p m
elements that is unique up to isomorphism (see [168, Corollary C.19, page 398],
for instance). Related to this is the following notion, which we will need, for
instance, in Chapter 11 when we discuss coding theory. For m
It also follows that if p is prime and m
,a primitive
m th root of unity is a complex number α such that α m = 1, but α j
= 1 for all
natural numbers j<m . Primitive roots play a vital role in the proofs of results
involving field extensions of various types, especially finite. For instance, it may
be shown that
F p ( α ) where α is a primitive ( p m
1)th root of unity.
(This is related to Galois theory; see [168, Appendix C, pages 393-401]for an
overview of this elegant theory.)
F p m =
Action on Rings
Definition A.36 ( Morphisms of Rings)
If R and S are two rings and f : R
S is a function such that f ( ab )=
f ( a ) f ( b ) , and f ( a + b )= f ( a )+ f ( b ) for all a,b
R , then f is called a ring
homomorphism . If, in addition, f : R
S is an injection as a map of sets, then
f is called a ring monomorphism . If a ring homomorphism f is a surjection as
a map of sets, then f is called a ring epimorphism . If a ring homomorphism f is
a bijection as a map of sets, then f is called a ring isomorphism , and R is said
to be isomorphic to S , denoted by R = S . Lastly, ker( f )=
S : f ( s )=0
is called the kernel of f . Also, f is injective if and only if ker( f )=
There is a fundamental result that we will need in the text.
In order to
describe it, we need the following notion.
A.3 Recallthatamultiplicativeabeliangroupis cyclic wheneverthegroupgeneratedbysome
g ∈ G coincides with G . Note that any group of prime order is cyclic and the product of two
cyclic groups of relatively prime order is also a cyclic group. Also, if
is a nonempty subset
of a group G , then the intersection of all subgroups of G containing S is called the subgroup
generated by
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