Cryptography Reference
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There are also lower bounds, the following of which was discovered in the
middle of the twentieth century(see [104] and [284]).
The Gilbert-Varshamov Bound : Given n,d
with n
d , there
exists a q -ary( n,M,d )-code satisfying,
q n
1) j .
d 1
j =0 j ( q
Linear Codes
An [ n,k ]- linear code over a field F is a k -dimensional subspace C of F n .If
the minimum distance d = d ( C ) is given then we call it an [ n,k,d ]-linear code.
Note that a a q -ary[ n,k,d ]-code is also a q -ary( n,q k ,d )-code, but not every
( n,q k ,d )-code is an [ n,k,d ]-code. 11.7
If M k × n is a k
n matrix whose rows form a basis for the [ n,k ]-code, then
M k × n is called a generator matrix for C . It is preciselythis mechanism of being
able to describe the entire code via a basis of the codewords that make linear
codes such a palatable means of error correction/detection.
An example of a binary[8 , 5 , 1]-code is given bythe generating matrix,
G =
The value of d = 1 maybe achieved via the notion of weight . The weight of a
codeword c is the number of nonzero entries in c . The weight of an entire code
C is the minimum of the weights of the nonzero codewords in C . Thus, the
weight of a given codeword c
C is d ( 0 ,c ) where 0 is the zero vector.
A major advantage to linear codes is the ease with which we can encode.
Suppose that G is the generating matrix for an [ n,k ]-code C over a finite field
F q . Then a simple encoding rule for c
C is the following:
the multiplication of the 1
n matrix G . For instance, if
we take the matrix G displayed above and the vector c =(1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1)
k vector c bythe k
C , then
cG =(1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1) .
Note that a linear q -arycode cannot be defined unless q is a prime power.
This maybe considered to a drawback to linear codes. Yet, even this seeming
11.7 The reader may review the notion of vector spaces and dimension in Appendix A, espe-
cially Definition A.39 on page 490. It is important for this discussion to recall that a subspace
C of dimension k in
q , satisfies the property that every vector of C can be uniquely expressed
as a linear combination of the basis vectors {v 1 ,v 2 ,...,v k } for C , and that C contains exactly
q k vectors. This explains why every q -ary [ n, k, d ]-code is also a q -ary ( n, q k ,d )-code.
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