Cryptography Reference
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Figure 1.9: Paris Codex zodiac 2.
Epigraphers (those who study ancient inscriptions), working on the Mayan
inscriptions are using the Internet and modern-day super-computers to house
and dissect the massive body of data gathered over the years. This may be
viewed as a task equivalent to trying to crack the code of the Mayans as they
would any contemporary cryptosystem. Given the wealth of talent and sophis-
tication of computing and cryptanalytic techniques available today (much of
which we will discuss in this topic), the day of a complete understanding of the
ancient Mayan script and its civilization's secrets may well be at hand.
In Figure 1.10is a photograph of the Pyramid of the Magician in Uxmal ,Yu-
catan, Mexico. This was built in Puuc style, an architecture used during 600-900
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