Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
Upon completion of this phase, authentication and key exchange are com-
pleted, and the IKE SA is established.
In what follows, we give a description of the six steps involved in the three-
pass IKE main mode, followed by an illustration. What we describe is a sim-
plified version of the scheme, assumed to take place between Alice and Bob. In
fact, IKE itself, is a slim-down version of ISAKMP/Oakley.
Background Assumptions : For the DiJe-Hellman part of the exchange,
we need the followingnotation. We use ( p A ,s A ), and ( p B ,s B ), respectively for
Alice's, and Bob's, respectively public/secret DiJe-Hellman keys. Recall from
page 166 that ( p A ,s A )=( α x ,x ) and ( p B ,s B )=( α y ,y ), so
p s A
= p s B
= k.
This notational assumption will be made below. Moreover, I A and I B are
identifyingdata strings for Alice and Bob, respectively, and we assume that Alice
and Bob have RSA public/private key pairs ( e A ,d A ) and ( e B ,d B ), respectively,
where they have exchanged e A and e B in advance of the following.
IKE Phase I Using Main Mode
1. SA Negotiation Initialization : Alice sends Bob her list of proposed
parameters, S A , such as proposed encryption algorithms, hash functions,
pseudo-random generators for hashing messages to be signed, and so on.
These will be used to establish an IKE SA. Also, contained in the message
is a header , H A , containinga cookie, C A (see pages 323-325) for Alice
(in order to keep the session state information for her).
2. SA Agreement : Bob selects one of each of the parameters from Alice's
lists in S A , such as a single choice of hash function, sole choice of SKC,
and so forth. He sends back his list of choices, S B , together with a header,
H B , containinga cookie, C B , for his session state data.
3. Key Negotiation Initialization : Alice sends Bob her DiJe-Hellman
public key p A , a nonce N A , and H A .
4. Key Generation Completion : Bob sends his DiJe-Hellman public key,
p B , his nonce N B , and his header H B .
Alice and Bob independently compute p s A
= k and p s B
= k , respectively.
5. Alice's Identity Verified : Alice sends
( H A ,k ( I A ,d A ( N A , N B ,k, p A , p B , C A , C B , S A ))) ,
to Bob who now is able to use k 1 and e A , to verify Alice's identity.
6. Bob's Identity Verified/SA Established : Bob sends to Alice
( H B ,k ( I B ,d B ( N A , N B ,k, p A , p B , C A , C B , S B ))) ,
and Alice may similarly verify Bob's identity.
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